Branching is used to develop features isolated from others.
By default, git creates a master branch. This branch is considered the root and should ultimately contain all code changes.
The idea is that you want to create a new feature but you don't want to check directly into the master branch. Or let's say you are working on a prototype and not really sure if it's going to work out.
Creating a new branch
To create a new branch:
git branch MyNewBranch
To switch to that branch:
git checkout MyNewBranch
Or to create a new branch and switch to it:
git checkout -b MyNewBranch
Viewing branches
To see what branches are local and remotely:
git branch -a
* master remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/master
The * indicates the current branch. The remotes/origin/master is the remote copy of your local branch.
Deleting a local branch
To delete the branch locally:
git branch -d MyNewBranch
Deleting a remote branch
To delete the branch on the remote:
git push origin :MyNewBranch
Merging your branch
After you've completed your feature work, you'll want to merge your branch back into master.
NOTE: This is assuming all your changes are committed.
This gets any changes from any other team members working on your branch.
git pull
This assures that your remote branch has all of your local changes.
git push
This gets all changes from master.
git checkout master
git pull
git merge MyNewBranch
git branch -d MyNewBranch
git push origin :MyNewBranch