The format method is used to format strings.
The {} is used as a placeholder for data. The format method contains a list of strings or numbers that is used to replace the {}, in order.
# you can use format to format strings name = 'Steve' color = 'Blue' print('My name is {} and my favorite color is {}'.format(name, color))
My name is Steve and my favorite color is Blue
print with f
You can also use the f in a print to format a string.
name = 'Steve' color = 'Blue' print(f'My name is {name} and my favorite color is {color}') first_name = 'Joe' last_name = 'Smith' name = f'{first_name} {last_name}' print(name)
My name is Steve and my favorite color is Blue Joe Smith
Exercises (5 mins)
Complete the following program.
# 1. input name with 'Enter name:' # 2. input favorite_food with 'Enter favorite food: ' # 3. print My name is {name} and my favorite food is {favorite_food} with format
Enter name:Steve Enter favorite food: Burrito My name is Steve and my favorite food is Burrito
Complete the following program.
# madlibs # Enter an adjective # Enter a verb # Enter another verb # Enter a famous person madlib = f'Computer programming is so {adjective}! It makes me so excited all the time because I love to {verb1}. Drink water and {verb2} like you are {famous_person}' print(madlib) print('Done.')
Enter an adjective:cool Enter a verb: skydive Enter another verb: jump Enter the name of a famous person: Elon Musk Computer programming is so skydive! It makes me so excited all the time because I love to skydive. Drink water and jump like you are Elon Musk