get consultation

Putting it Together I

Let's put a bunch of concepts together.

Let's create a basic checkbook to keep track of how much money we have.
balance = 0
option = ''

while option != 'q':
    option = input(f'${balance} A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:')

    match option:
        case 'a':
            print('Add money')
            # Ask user for how much money to add
            # Update the balance variable
        case 's':
            print('Subtract money')
            # Ask user for how much money to subtract
            # Update the balance variable


$0 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:a
Add money

$0 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:s
Subtract money

$0 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:q


Exercises (5 mins)

  1. Complete the program. And a case statement for when the user enters an invalid value.

    $0 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:j
    Invalid option
    $0 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:a
    Add money
    Enter amount:10
    $10 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:s
    Subtract money
    Enter amount:20
    $-10 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:a
    Add money    
    Enter amount:30
    $20 A)dd Money  S)ubtract Money Q)uit:q