Setting your machine
We will use Visual Studio Code to run our python programs.
Installing Python and Visual Studio Code
Install Python3
Mac: Install homebrew
To install Python using Homebrew use brew install python3
Windows: Install Python from You can typically use the Download Python button that appears first on the page to download the latest version.
Download Visual Studio Code to your machine
Install the Python extension for VS Code. The Python extension is named Python and it's published by Microsoft.
Running Visual Studio Code
Run Visual Studio Code
Create a folder for your python work
Create a new file:
Enter the follow code:
print('Hello World!')
Press the play button in the upper-right to run the program. You'll see the output in the lower window.
- Download Visual Studio Code
- Getting Started with Python in VS Code
- Homebrew (Mac)
- Python from (Windows)
Exercises (5 mins)